Process Work


Growing up in Puerto Rico, I always remember thinking that history class was the most boring subject. I later studied in the United States from 5th grade to 7th and then later 10th-12th grade and I remember loving history class. The difference between the two is how the narrative is formulated. In US history, everything is grand and heroic whereas Puerto Rican history is told through censorship. One google search of the most important figures in Puerto Rican history is enough to tell that our history has been left to be erased over time. While there are a million representations of George Washinton, from paintings to cinematic representations, you will be lucky to find a few, scanned, black-and-white photos of Don Pedro Albizu Campos. 

One of my primary goals with this project was to revitalize these images and give them a modern and fun representation so that they became more accessible to young audiences. With this endeavor, I hope to change the reality that I and many others lived where our history felt inaccessible. 

Laiana Isabel

Graphic designer using design as a medium for positive change

User Testing 1


Research & Insights