The Board Game

The board game development went through many stages and a lot of research on gameplay and history. The initial idea was to create a game mechanic whereby players would build a timeline of historical events. This idea went through a lot of testing until it finally turned into a co-op game in which players would play together to uncover historical events and win the game. The game mechanic is based on dice play and building different engines for the dice to work in your favor. 

Join forces with your friends to play as important historical figures and fight to defeat the forces that hide the truth.

A game designed for Puerto Rico where players cooperate to complete a variety of tasks through which the details of previously hidden historical events are revealed. 

Gather friends to embody the important figures of Puerto Rican history and travel through time getting to know our stories in this new and unique game. 

Laiana Isabel

Graphic designer using design as a medium for positive change

The Website