The Website

The website is the base of the project, where the audience can interact with the brand, learn what it is all about, find social media links and purchase the game. 


1. A student looks for historical information about Puerto Rico. They can visit to read about events and important historical figures in a modern, interesting, fun, and accessible way. 

2. Parent look for teaching tools to teach their children about the history of Puerto Rico. They can visit to read about the board game and purchase it to serve as a teaching tool in their home. 

The website was designed to be optimized for desktop and mobile versions taking into consideration the two main audience members: Puerto Rican students and their parents. It is important to have both versions of the site as the students are most likely to interact with the brand via their phones while the parents are most likely to interact and conduct purchases on their computers. 

The initial idea of the website did not stray far from where it started. The main idea was always to create a platform that was fun and engaging in order to encourage learning and interest in history. The design evolved a lot from the concepts in the first sketches. Initially, I imagined that the website would be captivating through the use of very bright colors and contrast. As I went on in the thesis journey, I moved away from those ideas and leaned more into the illustration style as a way to both, (1) bring interest and, (2) allow the stories to take center stage. 

Laiana Isabel

Graphic designer using design as a medium for positive change

The Board Game


User Testing 1